Bram Van Breda

The basis for my work forms the intimate relation between a maker and the spaces we inhabit, the objects and materials we surround ourselves with. As an ethnographer I question my environment, with a concern for the social and political conditions of places. Through historical research, site-specific works and material studies, physical places are transformed into ‘environments’ or installations, where spatial narratives deploy. Projects like;Receptive Silence 2017, Reconnaissance 2018, BONANZA a diorama of the near 2019 are the outcome of a workperiod on location. This involvement is important for me in order to understand a place and in doing so being able to make work in a changing context. In these constellations of works I study different media and techniques; like photography, textile, ceramics, … As an artist I find it important to establish collaborations outside of my own work-field. I therefor regularly work together with other artists, the textile industry and research centers such as the TextileLab Tilburg, KADOC archiveLeuven .My fascination for our relation with matter and object has led to an art-practice on the cross-fieldofart and design, where in-situ projects alternate with a studio-practice.